School Courses
Class trips to learn this technique are well established
Bring the whole class along
Courses for local school children have been held at Dhamma Dipa since 2005, and began as a result of a local meditator being a teacher at a local primary school. Thirteen children between 8 and 11 years attended the first course.
The school was already committed to teaching Values Education and the headteacher saw that the technique offered a more practical means for the children to develop these values within themselves.
Following the course, the children were given the opportunity to continue their practice at school for 10 minutes every lunchtime. Many had noticed tangible benefits in their everyday lives from improved relations with their families to better concentration in class. Some parents also commented on the positive effects on their children.Soon after, another local meditator, who taught at another school, arranged for her school to participate too. This was a much larger course with 48 students.
In Feb 2007, the first course on school premises during the school day was held. The headteacher, who had been head at the first school to participate, had moved to a larger primary school to implement Values Education and was keen to see Anapana offered there as well. Another course was held at the same school in 2009.
Since then, other Herefordshire schools have brought their children to Dhamma Dipa. Teachers and teaching assistants have accompanied the children in a pastoral role and worked along-side volunteers from the meditation centre.
The technique is an instrument for change in behaviour, outlook, and well-being and can complement and enhance initiatives like Values Education to help improve the general ethos and atmosphere of a school, project or centre.
The Children’s Course committee, that oversees the running of Anapana courses, would be keen to support schools and other organisations working with children and young people (8 to 18 years) in running these courses, either at Dhamma Dipa or at their own premises in their local area.
To see the 1-Day course timetable, click here. If necessary, it is possible to modify the timetable to suit the particular needs of a school / organisation.
The film below offer an insight into the benefits of meditation for schoolchildren from parents, teachers and the children themselves.